In the words of Sally Koch “great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day’’ and that is why our motto has been “one child at a time’’. Our hearts are joyful for the successes we recorded in the month of July, we look back and we are grateful for how far we have come.
Through the book donation received from Ingressive For Good Initiative, we were able to have a book reading with the children to encourage the reading culture and inspire them to be the ‘superheroes’ and change agents in their communities.
It’s the end of a school session and we are grateful to God for bringing our children thus far. We are glad to have some of our kids Graduation Ceremony which was uniquely celebrated. We also had our Food Drive, we were able to give the kids their monthly supply of food in the bid to keep them concentrated on their studies and ensure their growth.
We extend our gratitude to our Donors. We call them our heroes because without their effort and contributions our kids wouldn’t have access to certain opportunities. We are grateful to our kids for making us proud and utilizing the opportunities they got to tell their stories differently and their effort to make sure their names are written in the sands of time.
We look forward to welcoming more donors and beneficiaries into LAHA and also reach our goals, but until then we keep pushing till we get there.